Saturday, August 29, 2020

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology

 The Man in the Moon

Story Source: Laos Folk-Lore by Katherine Neville Fleeson (1899)

Blacksmith wants to become a stone on a mountain because it is cooler, wise man turns him into it

*How old is this blacksmith? Where’d the wise man come from? What does wise man look like? What are blacksmith/wise man’s names?*

Stonecutter tries to cut him, blacksmith gets hurt, then he wishes to become a stonecutter

*Does he have real injuries/scars from being cut then transformed? Why a stonecutter (to get payback on the stones)?*

Gets tired from walking as stonecutter, wishes to be the sun

*Why does he walk everywhere? Be specific about his tiredness/hurting. Could he get a horse? What is appealing by being the sun?*

Feels even warmer by being the sun, wishes to be the moon

*What about the moon seems ‘cool’? Literally “less warm”, or something is eye-catching about it? Twinkling?*

Still too warm, wishes to be blacksmith again; wise man refuses to change him back

*What does wise man mean by ‘he’s weary of his constant changing’? What lesson is the wise man teaching? Does the blacksmith suffer by being the moon?*


The Three Roses

Story Source: The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis (1922) 

Mom went to market, two girls ask for tons of things to bring back, third daughter asks just for three roses *Why just three roses? Why are other two so needy? Personalities of these girls?*

Mom gets roses from garden, basilisk appears and demands daughter in exchange *Make point of won’t look anyone in the eye- rumored that basilisk causes death with single glance* 

Third daughter (Mary) goes, nurses basilisk for three hours each day over three days

Basilisk asks Mary to cut his head off, she does it twice, transforms into handsome prince *How did he become basilisk and not die instead? Did he have some kind of deadline like Beauty and the Beast rose?*


Prince says Mary must marry him (“those are the rules”) and they have wedding *Who all was there? How did kingdom react to prince suddenly appearing? Was he missing before/how long was he gone?*

"Basilisk" by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch via Wikipedia

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