Little bird tells daughter her fate (kismet) is death
Mother comes home, and tells daughter to close the door/window while working
Next day, bird tells the daughter the same thing
Mother tells her to close door/window, climb in cupboard, and work there via candlelight
Bird comes back and does the same thing next day
Girl decides not to do work, mother stays home next day in order to see the bird
Bird does not come the next day, neither of them leave the house in case he comes back
Neighborhood girls want daughter to come play; they promise not to let daughter out of their sight
Play in the meadow all day, they stop to get a drink at a spring on the way home
While daughter is drinking, a magic wall separates her from the others
Everyone freaks out; girls tell daughter’s mother, mother goes to the wall
They cry like crazy, eventually falling asleep; daughter wakes up and sees door in the wall
Daughter opens the door into a palace, sees a bunch of keys
Each key leads to a room with gold/silver/diamonds, etc.,
Daughter meets a prince in a room; Note next to him says anyone who fans him for forty days will find their fate
She fans him/prays for forty days; sees an Arab girl and get her to fan him on Day 40 so she can wash/clean room
Prince wakes up while Daughter is gone, Prince believes Arab girl has done all this; says he will marry her
Arab girl acts like she’s royalty, treats Daughter like maid/housewife
Prince is buying presents for the Feast of Bairam party
Arab girl asks for clothes, Daughter asks for yellow Patience-Stone, brown Patience-knife
Prince looks everywhere for Stone/Knife; stops at a spring, and finally gets it from an Arab
Prince is curious what Daughter needs it for, so he watches her at night to find out
Daughter tells her story (her and her mother, the Arab screwing her over) to the Knife/Stone
Stone breaks as she’s telling story, Daughter is despaired and tries to stab herself
Prince stops her, realizes she’s actually the one who fanned him
Arab girl is put to death, Mother joins Prince/Daughter at palace, happily ever after
Mom keeps sending her son to various schools, son will run away
They go to the market, see many men doing their craft, one is a wizard
Son wishes to be wizard’s apprentice; wizard agrees
After training, wizard tests the Son- wizard transforms into ram, son is to sell him at the market, but keep the rope
Ram is sold for 500 piastres; wizard returns to human form, escapes and goes back
Repeats the same process, except he turns into a horse that is sold for 1000 piastres
Son returns to Mom, tells her he will transform into a bathing establishment; she should sell it, but keep the key to the door
Wizard comes back, sees that the Son isn’t home, gets very angry at him/wants to teach him a lesson
Wizard goes to the son’s auction, realizes that the son is transformed, and buys him
Wizard tells Mom he will not take it unless she gives up the key; Mom reluctantly/accidentally gives him the key
Son realizes he needs to get out of there; transforms into bird/flies away; Wizard transforms into falcon and chases him
Fly to another town; son sees a King in his garden- transforms into rose and falls at King’s feet
Wizard transforms into a lyric/poet, plays songs for King, asks King for the rose
King gets angry at Wizard asking for the rose (King believes it’s a gift from God)
Wizard says he will kill himself if he doesn’t have the rose, King eventually gives it to him
Son transforms into grain, Wizard transforms into chicken and eats the grain (but misses one tiny bit)
Grain transforms back into Son, breaks WizardChicken’s neck
Son explains story to King, King is impressed; appoints Son as royalty/marries King’s daughter
Son can now provide for his mother, happily ever after
Story Source: Forty-Four Turkish Fairy Tales, by Ignacz Kunos
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