Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 6 Reading Notes: Turkish Fairy Tales Part A

The Wizard-Dervish: Part 1/Part 2
  • Padishah had a wife, Iala, but no son

  • The two come across a well, and wish to know the cause of their sorrow

  • Dervish knows it’s bc they have no son

  • Dervish gives them an apple, and tell Padishah and Iala to each eat half, and they’ll have a son

  • However, Dervish says that when the son turns 20, he will belong to the Dervish

  • They follow instructions, they have a son, his birth is celebrated

  • When son was five, he was taught to read/write

  • When son was thirteen, he was taken on walks, journeys, and hunting excursions

  • Father finds son a wife when he is nearing nineteen and were to be married

  • Dervish appears on wedding day, takes son to the foot of a mountain

  • Son wakes up by a river, sees three doves- they transform into maidens

  • #1/#2 return to dove form and fly away; #3 sees the Prince and starts talking to him

  • #3 explains that the Dervish will take the son by the hair, hang him to a tree and whip him

  • When Dervish asks “Dost know?”, Son needs to say “I know not”

  • Dervish beats son for three days, but Son still says “I know not”; Dervish sets him free

  • #3 returns to Son in bird form. Tells him to use the bird to identify her in the future when Dervish asks which maiden he wants to marry

  • Next day, dervish brings the son which of the three girls he likes the most. Son releases bird to see it land on #3, and he chooses her

  • Son and Maiden #3 get married, but w/o her Mother’s consent (Mother is a witch)

  • Son and Maiden see Mother following them; Maiden turns them into a garden/gardener to disguise

  • Trick works, then they turn back to normal

  • Mother notices them turn back to normal, chases them again

  • Cycle repeats 2 more times, Son/Maiden turn into baker/oven and duck/pond

  • Mother can’t cross the pond, she gives up and goes home

  • They get to an inn; dervish kidnaps son, takes him to palace (a wedding and a bride is getting set up in the palace)

  • Maiden thinks the son abandoned her; transforms into dove, goes to palace and sees son, gets mad at son and flies back to the inn

  • Son returns to the inn w/ a carriage, brings maiden back to the palace, they get married (first bride got mad and went home)

The Fish-Peri: Part 1/Part 2

  • Fisherman (Mahomet) made living by catching/selling fish

  • Became deathly ill, asked his wife to never tell their son they made living by catching fish

  • Mahomet dies, son tried to find occupation but struggled

  • Mom dies as well, and the son was w/o food or money

  • Goes to the attic to find stuff to sell, finds his dad’s fishing net

  • Takes it to the sea, caught two fish, sold one for bread/charcoal

  • Decides he wants to be a fisherman; catches a fish and buries it for later

  • Next day, goes to fish, comes back and finds his house was cleaned, assumes it’s the neighbor (cycle continues)

  • Talks to a companion trying to figure out who did it; companion suggests watching the house in secret to find out

  • Hides himself, sees a fish jump out and turn into a beautiful maiden

  • Maiden/Son agree to marry; however, Padishah (Royalty) hears the news, and now he wants to marry the Maiden

  • Padishah tells Son “if you can build me a palace of gold/diamonds in the sea, you can keep the Maiden. Otherwise I will marry her”

  • Maiden tells Son to cast a stone into the sea to meet an Arab who will ask for “Your Command?”. He should say the lady sends her compliments and ask for a cushion. Throw the cushion into the sea where the Padishah wants the palace built.

  • Son does so, and it works. Padishah also demands a crystal bridge. Son gets a bolster from the Arab and does the same thing

  • Padishah then asks for a feast for all the land. Maiden tells Son to get a coffee-mill from the Arab, but do not turn it

  • Son gets the coffee-mill, mindlessly starts turning it, several plates of food fall out, takes food home. The Land has the feast, tons of leftover food

  • Padishah wants a mule produced from an egg; Maiden tells Son to get eggs from Arab and don’t break them

  • Son drops an egg, mule pops out. Takes remaining eggs to Padishah

  • Padishah asks for a baby (no more than day old) who can talk/walk

  • Maiden tells Son to ask Padishah for his nephew (he’s an hour old)

  • Son takes nephew home, calls Maiden his “Auntie”, Son takes him back to Padishah

  • Padishah is in awe that Son pulled it off, allowed him to marry the Maiden; festival lasts 40 days/nights

Story Source: Forty-Four Turkish Fairy Tales, by Ignacz Kunos

Padishah and the Baby, via the Untextbook

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