Monday, October 26, 2020

Extra Credit Reading Notes, Week 10: British North America Part A

Creation of the World

  • Wyandots- people who lived beyond the sky

  • Shaman tells Indians to dig around a tree by chief’s lodge; break through the Sky Land floor

  • Tree and chief’s daughter fall through into a sheet of water

  • Swans see her falling, catch her on their back, go to Big Turtle to ask what to do with her

  • Animal Council gathers, suggest divers go down to get some Earth from its roots to create an island for the girl

  • They all go to where the tree fell, have to dive down into water to collect the Earth

  • Otter dives down, drowns. Muskrat tries, drowns. Beaver tries, drowns.

  • Old Toad offers to try, the animals laugh at her. Big Turtle tells her to go for it

  • Old Toad comes up with a few grains of Earth, spits them out and dies as well

  • Small Turtle rubs the grains on the edges of Big Turtle’s shell

  • Shell begins to grow into an island; becomes large enough for woman to live on

  • Island grows larger and larger until it becomes the Earth we know today

  • Earthquakes occur when Big Turtle moves his foot

Creation of Light

  • The whole world was dark, except inside the tepee of an old chief

  • Chief owns all light, fire, and water- didn’t share light

  • Animals go and try to steal the light

  • Everyone puts on masks and dancing aprons- goes to chief’s lodge for a dance

  • Each animal sang their own song, they all sang for Light in their own way

  • Chief constantly refused to give them light

  • Animals sang for light loudly and steadily; light begins to steal up into the sky

  • Chief notices, starts shouting “let there not be” to stop it (but he didn’t say “light” at the end so it didn’t work)

  • Animals keep dancing/singing, Chief shouts “Let there be light!” in a panic

  • Light shone throughout the sky; Men have had light ever since

Origin of Light and Fire

  • Raven/Seagull were friends who lived near one another

  • World was constantly dark; Seagull owned the daylight that stayed in a box

  • Seagull only let the light out for his own personal use

  • Raven thought that was selfish; planned to steal it/let it out

  • Puts thorn branches outside Seagull’s house; tells Seagull his canoe has been set adrift

  • Seagull runs out of his house barefoot; gets thorns in his feet

  • Raven offers to pull thorns out; says Seagull needs to let some daylight out of box so he can see

  • Raven pushes Seagull’s arm, breaking the box and letting the light out

  • Raven cleans himself, paints face black

  • After four days, Raven sees smoke on the south shore of the sea

  • Raven’s servants try to paddle in canoe to the smoke, but it was swamped

  • Borrows Seagull’s canoe; goes to house of the Fire People

  • Steals the baby in the home and runs away

  • Sturgeon, Whale, Seal and others go search for Raven and his boat

  • Raven returns to his home with the baby

  • Fire People try to give Raven presents in exchange for the baby

  • Raven refuses all gifts, but agrees to return the baby for some fire

  • Fire People give Raven fire, and teach him how to make fire

Story Source: Myths and Legends of British North America by Katharine Berry Judson (1917)

Picture of Old Toad, via the Untextbook

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