Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I’m loving the comments and feedback I’m getting so far. While it was a more unconventional comment, I found the comment about my website error to be very useful! I can be technologically challenged at times, and I sometimes struggle with fixing technical errors. 

I really enjoy the WWW feedback strategy. Using this strategy has helped make my feedback comments more substantial and useful to others. I’ve seen a few other students use the same strategy when giving me feedback, and I have found it helpful when thinking about things moving forward. I feel like I’m getting to know students pretty well through their blogs! Their introductions are very enlightening (especially when it comes to seeing their pets) and it’s been fun hearing about others’ families and where they come from. 

I think my Introduction encapsulates how I am as a person. I try not to shy away from my heart condition because I have been with it all my life and it’s honestly just part of who I am. It covers my love of Disney, music, television, food, and I feel like it covers everything that makes me, me. Feedback will be easier for me to give and receive when I am able to think with a clear mind and not overthink things. At times, I try to overanalyze things instead of relaxing and getting the job done. I can usually figure out what I want to say in my feedback when I just clear my mind instead of stressing over every detail. 

“Effective Feedback Components”, via Growth Mindset and Feedback Cats

I like this one because it sees feedback as a puzzle with several different pieces. There are so many elements that make up good feedback. In the case of this puzzle, since each piece has its own picture that doesn’t overlap into other pieces, there are multiple ways to configure these specific pieces to make the puzzle complete. Just like feedback, there are many different approaches to use that make feedback useful and whole.

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Week 11 Story: A Rocky Rescue

Brother and sister Mat and Sharn walked through the forest. They were going to their secret hideaway, a beautiful spring deep in the trees. ...