Thursday, October 15, 2020

Week 8 Progress

I’m pretty happy with my progress so far! I feel as though I’ve been keeping up with this class very well. With the exception of last week, when I was sick, I have submitted all of my assignments on time, and I’ve actually enjoyed the work in this class. So far, I’m most proud of my Storybook website. I’m really excited for my Storybook this semester, because I love my topic, and I think it’s going to look great once it’s completed!

I have a good routine when handling this class. I try to stay at least one day ahead of the class, so I try to finish my Tuesday reading by Monday, my Wednesday reading by Tuesday, etc.,. The two class assignments I like the most are working on the project and the blog comments. Like I said before, I really love the topic for my Storybook, so I’m always excited when I get to work more on it. I enjoy doing the blog comments because I love getting to meet new people, read about their lives, and see the great stories they’ve been writing! 

The two extra credit assignments I always do are the Back-Up and Review and the Check-In and Connect. I seem to have really bad luck when it comes to technology, so it’s very useful for me to back up my blog just in case something crashes and I lose everything. I also love seeing the memes and videos that are posted in the weekly announcements- some of them are educational and fun! The check-in is very helpful for me so I can see how I am doing compared to where I need to be. It helps keep me on track and identify if I need to be working harder or not. I heavily enjoy seeing everyone else’s inspiring photos and videos on the connection board! I get to see inspirational quotes, pictures of people’s dogs, and funny memes and videos. I feel seeing happy things like those are very important, especially during this stressful pandemic time. 

I think for me, I just need to keep on going! It’s the time in the semester when things are incredibly stressful, or people can feel burnt out, exhausted, and don’t want to do work. However, I think the fact that we’re going online after Thanksgiving is helping me stay focused and motivated during this time!

"Teamwork GIF", via Tenor

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