Saturday, August 29, 2020

Week 2 Story: The Three Roses

It was a warm day in July in the village of Lardonia. Sunny, a light breeze, and it seemed like the perfect day. But 21-year-old Julia, lying on the floor, could not be more displeased. She was grounded, not allowed to go anywhere, forced to stay at home as her annoying 12-year-old twin brothers (and mom’s ‘perfect little boys’), Alex and Connor, played around her.

Her mom Elizabeth walked into the room, basket in hand. “I’m headed to the market. Do you all want anything?”

“A new storybook!”, exclaimed Alex.

“Another teddy bear!”, said Connor.

“How about you, Julia?” asked Elizabeth.

“Eh, I could use three roses for the flower vase in my bedroom, I guess. The vase would look better when there’s actually something in it,” muttered Julia.

So, Elizabeth headed to the market, quickly finding a book and a teddy bear for her sons. “Now, where do they have flowers?”, she wondered. She wandered for hours, walking away from the market, before finding a garden in the middle of nowhere.

“Oh, here we are,” she said, and picked a few roses. Suddenly, a giant black basilisk swooped in and landed in front of her. She immediately ducked her head, avoiding the basilisk’s gaze.

“You shouldn’t be here!,” he bellowed. “This garden is enchanted, forbidden from entering, or face a terrifying punishment.” Elizabeth was quaking in fear.

“What do you want?” she squeaked out.

“Bring me your eldest daughter, with milk and fruit in tow,” spoke the basilisk.

The mother returned home, roses, teddy bear, and storybook in hand. “Here you are,” she said to her kids.

“Thank you, Mama!”, exclaimed Alex and Connor.

“Thanks,” said Julia simply.

“Julia,” said Elizabeth. “I need you to do something else for me.”

The next day, Julia headed to the garden, walking with a basket of milk and fruit for hours, grumbling more and more as she continued.

“This is worse than being grounded,” she said. “Why the heck am I being forced to bring this stuff to a...basilisk? Whatever that is.”

She finally reached the garden. Soon after, the basilisk flew and appeared before her. Julia looked to the ground, refusing to gaze at anything but her feet.

“Are you the basilisk?” she asked. “Well, here’s your stuff. Bye.”

“Wait!,” the basilisk roared. “You must feed me. And you may not leave until you do.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Julia groaned.

After eventually feeding the basilisk, Julia gathered her things to begin home.

“You will bring me the same tomorrow, and do so for three days,” the basilisk said just as she was leaving.

Julia rolled her eyes and started the walk home. Over the next three days, Julia did as she was asked, and fed the basilisk tons of fruit and milk. As Julia was leaving the last day, the basilisk stopped her.

“I need one more thing,” he said, as a sword emerged from the ground. “I need you to cut my head off.”

“Now THAT I will gladly do,” Julia said curtly.

Julia strided towards the sword, picked it up with ease, and beheaded the basilisk with one quick swipe. She tossed the sword aside, picked up her basket and started to walk away. Abruptly, the ground and garden bushes began to shake. She turned back around to see a bright light emerging from the basilisk’s corpse. A blinding flash burst from the basilisk, and a handsome prince appeared. Julia looked at the prince in shock, mouth agape.

“Finally, I’m free!”, exclaimed the prince. “I’m Shaun, the prince of Lardonia and its surrounding villages,” he said. “Last year, I had this girl infatuated with me, trying to get me to fall in love with her. After I rejected her, she chased me into this garden and turned me into that horrible creature.”

“Well,” said Julia. “Glad to see you’re back to normal, but I have to get home.”

“Wait!,” said Shaun. “You know, since I am already 22, I’ve been looking for someone to love, rule alongside for when I become king. And you just cared for me, even as a horrible, ugly basilisk. Will you...marry me?”

Julia’s jaw dropped to the floor, but only for a moment. “I never thought I’d consider marrying a prince that used to be a giant snake, but…”

One week later, Julia and Shaun were married, and the village of Lardonia and the others nearby celebrated at the prince’s castle, complete with decor, cake, and music. Shaun stood in front of all of the guests, and clinked his glass to gain everyone’s attention.

“Thank you all for coming to celebrate this wonderful occasion,” he said. “We hope you all enjoy the festivities tonight. But most importantly,” he said as he turned to Julia, smiling from ear to ear. “Thank you for saving me, and giving me a new lease on life.” Shaun leaned over and kissed Julia as the crowd cheered and tossed roses into the air, thankful that the prince, soon to be king in a couple months, returned, and now had a princess alongside him to help the growth and prosperity of Lardonia.

“White Concrete Castle” via Unsplash

Author’s Notes
I tried to add more personality to the characters, who don’t even have names in the original. I specified what exactly the kids wanted their mom to get from the store, and how Julia feels as though she is less important than her brothers, or “mom’s perfect little boys”. I also went from three daughters to one daughter and two sons. I wanted to show how Julia is more alone and somewhat disconnected from her family by being the only daughter. Julia is given a somewhat sarcastic and displeased attitude, but becomes happier by the end of the story. Everyone has a specific name to give the story a more human element.

Bibliography. “The Three Roses” from The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis. Web source.

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology

 The Man in the Moon

Story Source: Laos Folk-Lore by Katherine Neville Fleeson (1899)

Blacksmith wants to become a stone on a mountain because it is cooler, wise man turns him into it

*How old is this blacksmith? Where’d the wise man come from? What does wise man look like? What are blacksmith/wise man’s names?*

Stonecutter tries to cut him, blacksmith gets hurt, then he wishes to become a stonecutter

*Does he have real injuries/scars from being cut then transformed? Why a stonecutter (to get payback on the stones)?*

Gets tired from walking as stonecutter, wishes to be the sun

*Why does he walk everywhere? Be specific about his tiredness/hurting. Could he get a horse? What is appealing by being the sun?*

Feels even warmer by being the sun, wishes to be the moon

*What about the moon seems ‘cool’? Literally “less warm”, or something is eye-catching about it? Twinkling?*

Still too warm, wishes to be blacksmith again; wise man refuses to change him back

*What does wise man mean by ‘he’s weary of his constant changing’? What lesson is the wise man teaching? Does the blacksmith suffer by being the moon?*


The Three Roses

Story Source: The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis (1922) 

Mom went to market, two girls ask for tons of things to bring back, third daughter asks just for three roses *Why just three roses? Why are other two so needy? Personalities of these girls?*

Mom gets roses from garden, basilisk appears and demands daughter in exchange *Make point of won’t look anyone in the eye- rumored that basilisk causes death with single glance* 

Third daughter (Mary) goes, nurses basilisk for three hours each day over three days

Basilisk asks Mary to cut his head off, she does it twice, transforms into handsome prince *How did he become basilisk and not die instead? Did he have some kind of deadline like Beauty and the Beast rose?*


Prince says Mary must marry him (“those are the rules”) and they have wedding *Who all was there? How did kingdom react to prince suddenly appearing? Was he missing before/how long was he gone?*

"Basilisk" by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch via Wikipedia

Friday, August 28, 2020

Week 2 Reading Overview

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4.

Week 3: Jewish Fairy Tales

Week 4: Noah and the Ark

Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6.

Week 5: Twenty-Two Goblins

Week 6: Turkish Fairy Tales

Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.]

Week 7: Brer Rabbit

Week 9: More Brer Rabbit

Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11.

Week 10: British North America

Week 11: American Indian Fairy Tales

Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13.

Week 12: Alice In Wonderland

Week 13: Nursery Rhymes

Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15.

Week 14: Librivox

Week 15: Italian

I’m looking forward to especially two units: the Classical/Biblical and British/Celtic units. Fairy tales sound appealing to me, partly because I haven’t read or listened to fairy tales in a long time. I think having the opportunity to read a bunch of fairy tales will help me feel like a kid again!

I also have an interest in the magical and phantasmagorical aspects of fairy tales, so I am looking forward to reading Jewish fairy tales. I think my favorite unit will be Alice in Wonderland, however. While I haven’t heard of the entire story of Alice in Wonderland, I have been to Disneyland several times and been on the ride that shares its name and watched the movie. I’m excited to read more in-depth about Alice’s adventure from a more literary and academic perspective! The following image is from the Alice in Wonderland story, which in my opinion is a perfect snapshot to sum up the craziness of her adventure.

“Alice in Wonderland” illustration by Sir John Tenniel, via the Untextbook

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Time Strategies

 I'm usually pretty good about time management when it comes to schoolwork. I like to start and finish assignments early, and it helps keep my stress level down. In addition, starting early allows time for asking questions and for clarification to ensure I'm doing everything properly. That way, I won't have to redo a whole assignment a day before a deadline. 

The "Important Habit of Just Starting" gave me one huge piece of advice: don't worry about being perfect. I think I get this mindset from my dad, though thankfully I'm not as big of a perfectionist than he is. Fortunately, my mom keeps me grounded in my schoolwork and reminds me that I don't need to be perfect when it comes to assignments. I'm thankful for my dad because his mindset helps me do good work, but I'm also thankful for my mom because she makes sure I don't get too hung up on one small detail and to just keep going. 

I try not to procrastinate, but I think everyone falls victim to it at some point. Caroline Webb's article, "How to Beat Procrastination", gives great advice on how to ensure things don't get put off but get checked off the to-do list. Similar to my thoughts on Growth Mindset, the article mentions to "visualize how great it will be to get it done", which is something my mom says to me all the time. I always seem to feel anxious about future assignments and things that I need to get accomplished while on a deadline, but once I finish, I feel like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders.

I sometimes am paranoid about whether or not I'm a "successful" person, but after reading the article from Business Insider, maybe I'm more successful than I think! While I will admit I can get distracted from time to time, I do my best not to procrastinate and keep my week scheduled out on what to get accomplished each day. One of the most important things I read was not to forget about the weekend. Just like visualizing getting things done, knowing that good things are coming during the weekend provides that extra push to keep going. The weekend feels so much better knowing everything that should be done, is *actually* done. So schedule when to get things done, keep on pushing, and just remember: time scheduled out is time well spent

"Time GIF" via Giphy


I was pretty familiar with the tools that was explained in the assignment. However, I just never got around to adding them to my computer. Sometimes I just start going fast and I find it easier to Google a word count tool in a separate tab. Due to my memory, I easily forget web addresses for certain websites, so I almost always bookmark websites for my classes, whether it be online books, Canvas, or a separate website that I will use often in the class. 

I have been very familiar with the online environment for classes. Even in high school, I took online classes for college credit. In addition, it's easier for me to search through my notes via computer than it is to file through thirty pieces of paper. Due to my memory loss, I've recorded lectures for a very long time, and I've also used my computer to take notes instead of writing them manually. I'm a faster typer than I am writer, so it's easier for me to type what the professor is saying rather than trying to write it all down. It's also easier for me to multitask while on the computer instead of trying to juggle a ton of different things that are sprawled out on my desk. 

I'm very excited for this online class! Hopefully this format will help me expand my computer knowledge and skills.

"Spongebob Squarepants Internet" via Giphy

Introduction to Assignments

I'm looking forward to the storytelling assignments. I think putting a twist on various classic stories will be a lot of fun. The reading portion of the class is pretty similar to those in my other classes. I've done a little bit of blogging with other classes, but not as much as we will in this class! 

I'm also excited to write my own Storybook! I write all the time as a public relations major, but most of it is in essay form. I've written a few research papers and essays on more formal topics. I think the storybook can allow me to be more free in my writing and let my imagination fly. The storybook will give me an opportunity to be more creative and write compelling stories. 

The Storybook will give me an opportunity to do more independent work. Throughout my public relations studying, I've done several projects, but almost all of them were done in a group capacity. Writing my own storybook will allow me to write what I want to write and create a story that is interesting to me and others. 

There are a few extra credit opportunities that sound pretty enjoyable. The Wikipedia Trails seem like it would be fun! I've done almost the same thing as a game; players would be given one Wikipedia page as a start, then they have to make their way to an ending Wikipedia page utilizing only hyperlinks found within the various pages. Checking-in and connecting would be very helpful to help decompress from stress. I get stressed out easily, but having a place where I could listen to different music videos could help me stay calm. Hopefully this will be a fun semester as I get closer to graduation!

Growth Mindset

I had never heard about Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before, but it was very inspiring after listening to her TED Talk. I can see my school work usually coming from a fairly fixed-mindset; I usually just try to get things done, but I don’t take the time to think about how I could make it better. I do, however, have a growth mindset when it comes to music and cooking. I auditioned for honor choirs all throughout middle school and high school, and I always tried to modify my breathing or my dynamics to make my singing as compelling as possible. I love to cook when I get the chance; while I usually look up a recipe, I often will modify the recipe by adding extra ingredients and different seasonings as I go to grow the dish and make it taste better.

I think my biggest challenge when learning new things is my memory. With my short-term memory loss, it can be difficult to get information into my long-term memory. Through that, I’ve come to realize that repetition is very important. I sometimes get frustrated when I can’t remember things, but the idea of not knowing things *yet*, but I will soon, can be very beneficial for me. I’m excited for most of my classes this semester, but my Capstone class is going to be a lot of work. Through the growth mindset strategy, hopefully I can stay on top of the class and pass with flying colors.

“Sustainable Animation”, via Giphy

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Introduction to a Future Wish Granter

Hi everyone! I'm Nathan, and I hail from Clinton, OK. I'm a senior public relations major and nonprofit organizational studies minor, and I'm so close to graduation. I have loved my experience at the University of Oklahoma for the past three years, and I'm ready to finish it up! My favorite part of public relations is getting to meet and build relationships and connections with so many different people. My favorite class last semester was Beginning Voice; I've been singing in choir all my life, including doing multiple honor choirs during junior high and high school, and that was my first opportunity to sing since coming to college. Once I graduate, I'm hoping to work with a nonprofit like Make-A-Wish. I was born with dilated cardiomyopathy, a rare heart condition that affects its ability to pump blood. I was given a trip through Make-A-Wish when I was younger, and I interned for them in the summer of 2019. 

I'm a big fan of reality television - Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race, etc.,- if it's a reality competition show, I've probably seen almost all of it. I also love the murder mystery movie Knives Out starring Daniel Craig, and it's one of my favorite movies of all time (it recently released on Amazon Prime- you should seriously watch it). I love listening to music in my free time, especially Charlie Puth. 

Music Video for one of my favorite songs, "Done For Me"

I have three older brothers, amazing parents, and two of the cutest dogs ever, Copper and Stella. I'm obsessed with Disney: almost every family vacation is Disney-related. I've been to Disneyland, Disney World, and been on Disney Cruises and each visit is better than the last. I'm also hoping to be able to incorporate Disney into my career with Make-A-Wish. My favorite food is pizza, but I will eat just about anything. I also make some amazing mashed potatoes every Thanksgiving. I enjoy watching TV, playing video games, and playing with my dogs. They are the most loving dogs you'll ever meet.

Stella and Copper, two rascals that some call "dogs"

That's all from me for now, but I should be back soon and all throughout the semester!

"See You Soon" via Giphy

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Storybook Favorites

Reading past storybooks was incredibly fun! Some were very fun and playful, while others were a little more serious. Nonetheless, here's some of my favorites of the past storybooks from this class!

OU’s Haunted Halls

The topic was incredibly intriguing! Given some of the superstitions that exist on campus, like walking under the clock tower will result in not graduating, these stories that add to the lore of the school were entertaining to read. The introduction does an amazing job of explaining the topic, and the inclusion of a phrase from the University’s alma mater really tied the whole thing together. Having a tab for each ghost story was a simple and efficient way to navigate through each book. The author’s notes at the end of each story was a great touch to explain the inspiration behind each haunting.


“Empty Building Ruins Hallway” Via Unsplash

Alice’s Journey Through Social Media

I picked this topic mainly because it’s about Alice in Wonderland. I have been obsessed with Disney since I was a kid, and though Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll, the story always brings me back to the Walt Disney movie and associated ride at Disneyland. The introduction does a great job of establishing the narrative throughout the rest of the storybook. It allows readers to see the story directly from Alice’s eyes, and the writing makes it feel like reading Alice’s diary, which adds a level of human emotion to the story which makes it even more enjoyable. 

“Alice in Wonderland Disney” Via Giphy

Greek Game Show

This book was such a fun twist on Greek mythology! I’ve known bits and pieces of Greek mythology, but nothing too extensive. The introduction explains the topic very well, and it also sets up suspense through the game show presentation. By presenting each story as a “round” of a game show, engages and encourages readers to move on to the next story to see who will win the whole thing and how teams may come back from a previous round. While the layout and navigation work well, the book could use a few more images, perhaps some with lights and color, or images and videos of an audience arousing excitement while cheering on contestants to feel more flashy like a game show usually is. 

America’s Got Talent Via Giphy

Thursday, August 20, 2020

My Favorite Place


If I had to think of a favorite place of mine, it would absolutely be Disneyland in Anaheim, CA. My family and I have visited Disneyland more than a dozen times. Ever since I was diagnosed with my heart disease, Disneyland has been where my family goes to escape reality when life gets rough. Having a life-threatening heart disease can keep my mind occupied at times; thankfully, Disneyland is one of the few places I can go where I don't worry about my heart disease. Even though I can't ride all of the rides, I have the best time there with my family when we go on vacation.

When I step through the entrance of Disneyland, I feel like I am entering a whole new world. Colorful banners, characters, and shops are all around. Scents of cinnamon churros and vanilla whip through the air, making my mouth water. Restaurants and food carts are all around, offering delicious selections everywhere I go. However, I think the one dish that tops them all is the Monte Cristo at Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square. The fried ham and cheese sandwich with a berry jam is one of the best things I have ever had. 

The Delicious Monte Cristo

Our family is in the park from the moment it opens until midnight. We make sure to utilize every minute we have, riding all of the rides we can in the shortest amount of time. With the park being split into five different "lands", we hop back and forth throughout the day to ride our favorites as efficiently as possible.

While there are dozens of awesome rides at Disneyland, I think my favorite would have to be Radiator Springs Racers, located in Cars Land. Based on the Disney movie "Cars", we hop into a race car and take a ride through Radiator Springs, before eventually having an actual race with another car. Moving at such a high speed and feeling the wind rush through my hair is exhilarating, while also feeling as goofy as Lightning McQueen when he races.

Disneyland will always hold a special place in my heart. Our family planned to go to Disneyland in May, but our dreams were ruined after the pandemic began. While we have to postpone our trip until everything is safe again, I will always be ready to go back to the "Happiest Place on Earth".

My family and I at "Goofy's Kitchen", one of the restaurants on property

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Welcome to My Blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging since my freshman year, three years ago.  I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma, majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Nonprofit Studies.  I have a heart condition which was diagnosed shortly after birth.  Working with kids with health conditions like me has long been a passion of mine.  I received a Wish Trip from Make-A-Wish when I was 10 years old.  Since then, it has been a goal of mine to work for Make-A-Wish.  I got to intern with Make-A-Wish in the summer of 2019 and hope to start a career there when I graduate next year.  I'm really looking forward to the mythology and folklore class this semester.  I think it's going to be a lot of fun!

Week 11 Story: A Rocky Rescue

Brother and sister Mat and Sharn walked through the forest. They were going to their secret hideaway, a beautiful spring deep in the trees. ...